So, check THIS out!!!!!
I say HATE a lot!!! and people get a bit upset always telling me that HATE is such a strong word.
My response is ALWAYS..............uh, NO!!! HATE is a hate word, and STRONG is a strong word.
So yesterday one of my co-workers says, "okay just don't forget that, because you're right it is JUST A WORD." and she agreed with me, but she carried it a bit further and called me out.
She flat out said, "just remember that, because you get upset when I use the word RETARD!!! but if HATE is JUST a word, then so is RETARD!!" lol, hahahahahahaha.............................
oh, she called me out and how true is THAT??????
haha, so it is, she is right........
retard is no different than hate or strong, they are all just words.
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE IT WHEN I'M WRONG!!!!!!! :-)
I was just telling my friend about this Wednesday! You know, when you try so hard NOT to say a word, that you say a word? Totally what happened at your place. And now I think of you every time I hear that word or it pops in my head. So...yeh. Thanks Jenn. Now you are ALWAYS in my head. ;)