Saturday, January 15, 2011

the pressure,

I MUST turn the tv off and study. I love knowledge and learning,  but damn I hate studying. It's so freaking boring!!!!! I would much rather be watching tv. I LOVE tv. I could watch tv all day and all night. I could be a guy....THAT'S how much tv I could watch.

Whatever, I guess I will be growed up and turn the damn thing off..........ugh.  BUT this show is hysterical!!!!  I love funny shit. and this is funny.
Okay, tv will go off AFTER this show is over, and let us all meditate that this is NOT going to be a "marathon" because if that's the case, homework is screwed.
I think I'll go make a cup of coffee, and stay up all night studying, I don't have to work till noon tomorrow :)

and HELL, if I can work 10 hours after only 2 hours of sleep Tuesday night, then this won't be shit, right??  hahah, that's right!! 
you're not getting any younger, those all nighters will get harder and harder to do and soon NOTHING will be worth 2 hours of sleep.....JUST SAYIN'!!!

1 comment:

  1. lol! I am kind of that way about TV, too. I think it's cuz I wasn't allowed to watch it at all when I was younger. In any case, I told Marc the other day that if it weren't for him, I may be a recluse who never socializes. I like the people I already know...for the most part...I just hate meeting new people. I need to know more people like YOU who will just sit and watch funny tv with me. haha.
