Wednesday, January 26, 2011

really??? how odd

there is something about technological gadgets that doesn't allow me to do what I need to do in life. I fear that I am addicted.
I am a narcasist..........I am constantly checking fb to see if there is anything new posted, or if anyone has posted on my statuses. (really??? statuses.....status'......hmmmm)

I check my blogs to see if I have any new comments, or wonder, "hmm, is this BLOG worthy?" 
then I wonder to myself, maybe I'll start tweeting more, that's what that social site is for, to update your thoughts, right? or is it to once in a while update your thoughts. or wait, it's to update everyone else on the thoughts in my head, which run wild up there!!!!  I start here and go there and back and over there, and just everywhere before it finally stops at POST THIS, POST THIS!!!!

that's narcasistic, right?  is it just ME????   I wonder if this, like other things in life, is normal? it's just that most people keep things to themselves where I tend to be vocal about everything.
THAT'S it!!!!!
I'm no more narcasistic than everyone else. It's just that I am more vocal about it than everyone else. You ALL KNOW YOU WANT TO SAY THINGS YOUR BRAIN TELLS YOU NOT TO!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, JUST DO IT!!!!! ........................or.............................

BE JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!

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